Wednesday, January 15, 2003

Stones of gold?

So my dog has been having this recurring bladder infection. Then, starting yesterday, he couldn't pee at all... He'd try and try, but nothing would come out. So I rushed him to the vet this morning and yikes - bladder stones like a mofo! Not only is his bladder full of stones, but he's got two blocking his urethra which they were unable to flush back up into the bladder. So what's that mean? Lengthy surgery. Expensive surgery. ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY DOLLAR SURGERY! Well sheeeyit. But hey, I get to keep the stones... yippee. All I can say is, they BETTER BE MADE OF GOLD DAMNIT! I'll be sure and post a pic of the little gems that came out of my dog's weiner when he gets home from the vet's office.

In the meantime, ph34r my octopus bathtub stopper!

Sunday, January 5, 2003

Since Bru asked...

Here's a photo from my little outing to the beach that might NOT churn your stomach...

Saturday, January 4, 2003

Ah, the beach

Upon visiting my hometown today, I stopped off at the beach to photograph the incredible 30 foot waves at Maverick's. And I guess it goes to show what a sicko I am that a rotting seagull head sticking up out of the sand caught my interest more than the beautiful landscape around me. Ah well...

Wednesday, January 1, 2003

Well happy freakin new year

Not that I really celebrate it, 'cause I think it's overrated, but I'm sure most of you do, so hope it was a good one for ya!! And um, well....

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