Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Wednesday, March 1, 2006

Bawbwa Wawwa

So I don't normally buy into Hollywood interviews and all their cheesy talk about who's dating who and who is on coke, but for some reason I tuned in tonight when Barbara Walters interviewed Matthew McConaughey, and he said that he enjoys playing bongos in the nude. HOW HOT IS THAT!

Friday, February 24, 2006

Way to go, conservative a-holes!

So I just read a little news blip on msn.com... South Dakota is apparently outlawing all abortions, except in cases where the mother's life is threatened by the pregnancy. The outlaw includes cases of rape and incest according to the article at msn.com, so I guess that means we can look forward to the inbred bastard children of rapists running around? Oh sure, South Dakota, THAT sounds like a good idea! And the worst part of it? A rapist who impregnates a woman will have the same parental rights to the child as any normal person!!

I know! I couldn't believe it either!

So now we not only will have women who will be forced to carry, birth and raise children who will every day remind them of the horribly violent crime committed against them, but they're going to have to endure dropping little Jimmy Jr. off at rapist daddy's on the weekends for visits! GREAT idea, South Dakota!

Ugh, I can't even begin to express my disgust at the dipshit lawmakers in South Dakota over this, but suffice to say I think it'd be poetic justice if each of those lawmakers' wives/sisters/daughters were raped and forced to have the babies under their own ignorant law. (I assume the lawmakers are men because let's face it, what woman would make a law such as this?) And it'd be even more beautiful if they get nailed by their own fathers or brothers and end up with some three-armed flipper-babies.

Conservative fuckers.