Saturday, September 27, 2003

Do guys with mullets know they have mullets?

Apparently not. My mother and I were wondering if men who walk around with mullets know they're called "mullets" so we stopped at a hair salon this afternoon. I asked the two hairdressers near the door what men who want mullets ask for when they come in for a haircut. Do they say "I'd like a shiny new mullet please" or do they ask for "short in the front and long in the back?" After a good hard laugh out of the stylists and the ladies in their chairs, they informed me that they don't ask for a mullet, but rather describe the look they're going for.

So there you have it. The answer to the one question that I know plagues you day in and day out. You may sleep peacefully at night now, knowing that mullet-wearers do not know they have mullets.

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