Tuesday, November 20, 2001

The Pit Report - SF Warfield 11/19/01

So I was down on the floor, moshing around and being drunk and feeling orgasmically happy just to be there in the crowd once again (it'd been a whole year since I last saw them!) But I was also feeling a bit sad that security made me check my camera since I got such a great spot. The setlist was AWESOME 'cause they included lots of stuff off science, and I also got noticed by the Incuboys because I had this toy where there are flashing red lights on the end of a plastic thing, and you spin it around and it spells a message... I programmed it to say "CHUCK" and after one song, Brandon saw it and started laughing and goes, "Yeah, Chuck! Alright!" and continued to rock the house. When it had appeared that they had finished after playing WYWH, my friend and I bolted out of the crowd, he went down to the coat check and got my camera, I got a Chuck doing karate t-shirt, and once I got my camera, disappeared back into the crowd just in time for the encore. I had my sweet little zoom lens and I don't know how the hell I did it, but I managed to get right back in front and shot an entire roll of photos in only two songs. They will be on my website by Monday, PROMISE!

The moment they were finished, we jammed out the door, got our posters (incredible artwork on these! I'll post a scan of one as well) and headed for the back door. After about an hour of bullshitting with security and almost kicking some glitter-bitch's ass for crowding into me, I saw an afro approaching the bus. (the amount of teenies outside was seriously pissing me off... I met the BIGGEST groupie ever out there) As soon as I saw Mike and Brandon (Jose, Dirk and Chris just hopped straight on the bus... suckas) I started spinning my "Chuck" thing and they immediately remembered me. They signed my poster, my science cd, and my enjoy cd, and were very very nice. I told Brandon thanks for such a great performance and that they did a great job, and he gave me a big smile and said thank you and shook my hand... It took me a moment to bring myself to let go. I asked Brandon if I could get a quick photo with him, and he said okay, but then one of his body guards literally grabbed him around his waist and dragged him to the bus... damn! But it was kinda funny to see him carted off like a little kid by his bodyguard.

Needless to say, I had one of the most wonderful nights ever. I just wish I could go to tonight's show! Oh, and you know that beanie that Brandon ALWAYS wears? Well it now belongs to some lucky bastard in San Francisco... yup, he chucked it into the crowd. Hope he has another one like it! Oh, and to top off my wonderful evening, I dreamed I was back at their show and chilled with the band for hours afterward, so in a way, I got to enjoy incubus twice! Woot! And hey, there were these two baby yorkies on the bus... anyone know who they belong to? They were so cute!

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