Tuesday, October 23, 2001

Incubus is coming to town!

Can you say "FUCKIN' STOKED"??? So not only do I get to see Incubus on November 19th, but this Thursday they've decided to bless us with their presence at Tower Records in Concord for an evening to sign their new album "Morning View" (which I highly recommend picking up, it's great). My boss found it in his heart to let me leave early that day so I can insure my spot in line. Hope the guys don't mind if I bring more than just my copy of Morning View! (I have all their other cd's and a couple promo photos I'd like to get signed too) I am just so psyched to finally get to meet one of the greatest bands I've ever heard. Unfortunately, I will have to carefully step over all the 12 year old girls that are just there because "Brandon's hot." Which, don't get me wrong, he IS hot... majorly! But it just disgusts me to see little girls gushing over him, and I even heard he has made an appearance in BOP magazine. Gag me with a smurf! Oh well, as long as they keep making awesome music and remember that just because they are famous they are still just like you and me (a.k.a. not god) then it's all good... I'll put up with the teenies. But they better not get in my way at the concert... I might have step on some teenie-bopper toes. I'll try my best to talk the Incuboys into a quick photo on Thursday, which if successful, will immediately be up on my site. Anyway in other news, I'm moving this Saturday and I'm so excited! I ordered my couches yesterday and am buying my bed this weekend. Unfortunately, my couches will take 2 to 4 weeks to arrive so I'll be sitting on this cheesy inflatable loveseat that's been in my trunk for a year and a half until they get here. But it's no biggie... I'm not planning on hooking up my cable right away, so I guess I don't really need a place to lounge around and watch TV just yet. Heh, me without cable... we'll see how long that actually lasts! Good thing I have a ton of books! Yup yup.

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