Saturday, June 24, 2000


Ah, don't you love companies that don't represent themselves properly? So yesterday I bought, and I decided to give my hard earned cash to host it. I paid for a year, got my happy little confirmation email, a brand spankin new ftp program, and for a couple hours I was happier than a pig in shit. That is, until I tried to configure my mail. Everything was coming in okay, but my outgoing mail was not working, so I consulted DreamHost's support pages.... turns out those bastards don't allow outgoing mail on their server! What kind of shit is that?! They say that it's in "an effort to stop spam." YOU CAN'T STOP SPAM! Everyone knows this...some is going to get through no matter what you do, so deal with it! So, being the picky customer from hell, I emailed them demanding my money back within 24 hours and if I didn't get it, I would call my credit card bank and dispute the charge. So either way those losers will not get their money. And what have we learned today kiddies? Do Not give your money to some damn web-based company that doesn't detail its faults along with its advantages! They are so unclear about what you get for your money in the first place! Oh well, fuck em. =)

Thursday, June 22, 2000


So the site is slowly growing. Here it is, 2:30 in the morning again... I don't think I've slept more than 4 hours per night because of this damn site. But it's coming along nicely. I'm learning a lot about Java and a little CGI Perl in the process though, and refining what little HTML I know as well. Today I created a form for the first time as part of The Dick List, which you should really check out and add to! It's pretty bare thus far, but I have a few people that have been bugging me to get it working just so they can post to it, and word is already spreading, so I think it's going to be fairly successful. In any case, I will be posting to it anytime some creep crosses me! Got my asshole ex up there as the Dick Of The Month already! I love being this creative. I'm supposed to be contributing a monthly column on soon, and I might also feature a section on roadkill... but the details of that are to come later. For now though, I really need to hit the hay! Ciao.

Sunday, April 23, 2000

Fat chicks in capris - a lesson in what not to wear

Piece of crap computer tweaked a little while ago and my site was down... So here I am rebuilding it in like 5 minutes and I don't have half the files I want on this computer, so for now it sucks. But eventually I'll get off my ass and make it cool. I have just been so damn busy lately. Being an English major and an office manager at once is not easy (yes it's all full time) and on top of it all, I am planning on going to London for three months in September. I am not sure how to get my boss to hold my job for me, but they were desperate to get me back the last time I left the company so hopefully they will put up with my B.S. again. I NEED AN ASSISTANT! Ok, enough whining. I hate whiners. You know what else I hate? Capri pants!!! Is anyone with me on that one? The other day I was in Forever 21 and every little teeny bopper in the store was wearing them! I think I found the last pair of full legnth pants in the entire mall! And some of these girls need to be told that FAT CHICKS CANNOT WEAR CAPRIS! I cannot emphasize that enough! It only makes their legs look twice as short and three times as fat as they really are! Someone call the fashion police. Anyway, I must get to bed, screw this site... I'm not dealing with it anymore tonight. Ciao.