Wednesday, October 26, 2005


A friend of mine, who is a mighty Conquistador, has granted C honorary title and power to claim lands and other property in the name of the Conquistadores. Hurrah!

I think he'll start with Hawaii and all its inhibitants' chocolate-covered macadamia nuts.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

So, a lot's changed

Since my site has been down for a bit, and I was too lazy to update it often anyway, a few announcements are in order. First off, I've moved from California to Mississippi and married a sweet young whipper snapper (ok, so I'm only two years his senior). Here's a picture of us taken in February 2005:

And I guess I should mention that in that photo, I was two and a half months pregnant. Yep, that sly dark-haired southerner knocked me up. Pregnancy was a long hard road, filled with all kinds of fun and not-so-fun suprises and changes to my body, but in the end I think it's all worth it. And if you have half a brain at all, you'll have already calculated that the baby has arrived by now. Here he is, the Baby Carrot:

And though it's not always easy, motherhood is even more wonderful than I ever dreamed. I never knew I could love a little screaming blob of human so much, but just looking at him makes my heart soar like an eagle.