Monday, March 31, 2003

Just testing

Yeah, hard drive failures are a bitch. Especially when it's the hard drive your site resides on! So I've been working my butt off trying to get things working again, and by jove, I think I've got it! Just gotta run a couple tests and I should be good to go. (this is one of them)

Saturday, March 8, 2003

Bling Bling (yo)!

Ok, I was in Hayward, CA yesterday driving down Mission Blvd. and I happened upon probably the funniest storefront I have ever seen. Need some gold teeth, perhaps with "Bling Bling" or maybe "Dolla dolla billz yo" engraved into them? Well shop no more! At Mr. Bling's your wish can finally come true! Come on in and let them fuck up your mouth forever! Yay!