Wednesday, May 9, 2001

Eight-legged horror

I think I woke up yesterday in a popular horror movie. The setting: a large house out in the country. The villian: a colony of poisionous spiders. The plot: spiders infest house and scare the hell out of family. Sound familiar? (for those that don't know, it's Arachnaphobia) So last night I discovered a big fat black widow in my room, hanging out in the corner of my window. And about an hour after opening a can of poisonous whoop-ass on it, I had my window open and caught another one trying to make its way inside. So then this morning, I looked outside to see the sun rising, and found two more having a little party on the wall just outside the window. I hosed 'em down with evil tick killer (hee hee, it makes spiders foam - cool) and then discovered a few egg sacks near the roof. I drenched every sack and web I could see and reach with poison, thinking that if there were any of the creepy little buggers lurking in there, I'd have killed them for sure. Right? Wrong!!! Just a few minutes ago, I took a look outside and saw two more spiders about two feet away, and then I saw two more directly above my head! What the fuck is going on here? I haven't seen a single spider anywhere else in or near the house, but there's a whole army of them living just outside my bedroom window and they keep trying to get inside. And to make matters worse, as if it could get worse than a hundred black widows trying to get you, I have the absolute worst case of arachnaphobia I have ever heard of. Even the tiniest daddy long legs (which are harmless to humans) is enough to send me running out of a room, screaming, arms flailing, and with a major case of the heebie-jeebies for the rest of the day! Why me, huh? Anyway, that's the bad news of the day... but the good news is I got called back for a second interview for that job I really want. That's a damn good sign, so y'all keep your fingers crossed for me okay? Word. ~EC

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