Tuesday, May 22, 2001

I'm a green monkey! Bah!

Ah, so much coolness going around lately... The Dave Matthews show kicked mucho booty, and guess who showed up? Carlos Santana! It was awesome. Also, I got a drawing tablet for my computer yesterday... Finally computer illustration won't be so hard! I played around with it all night and made a silly little monkey (yes, he throws poop) and posted it to the "I'm A Green Monkey" thread at sijun.com. You can spank my monkey here:

Also, to add to my state of stokedness, I picked up the new Staind cd today, plus the new Stabbing Westward album. I see many hours of rockin out in my near future. Now the bad news... I didn't get that job. Well, I did get it, and while I was waiting to hear back on a start date, some VP guy changed his mind and decided to consolidate my position with some other position that some guy was already doing, thus eliminating the need for me. Well, ya know what I have to say to Mr. VP guy? Ok, I'm not going to post what I really have to say, but I can tell him that he oughtta give me a call when this other guy gets overworked and quits because the company wanted to save a little money here and there. And we all know that's what usually happens when you pull shit like that. Oh well, I have a new drawing tablet and yooouuu don't! So there! ~EC

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